Your Monthly Dose – July 2019

Health comes in many forms. By understanding what matters most and engaging in your health I believe you can live a full life.

I am sticking to a couple topics this month as I wanted to spend a little more time on one topic. Take the time to educate yourself on this emerging technology in healthcare, for better or for worse be a savvy consumer. 

Something in healthcare you should learn more about: Genetic testing. The research into genetics and its potential for health is wonderful but as companies like 23 and Me enter the healthcare realm I am concerned about how they will strike the balance between healthcare and business. The sales pitch of preventive, know more medicine is an easy sell but there is a significant dark side to this information. In time the information may turn out to be a break through in medicine but I think its worth educating yourself. Take a look at these resources - some for and some against. 

Sleep: during our holiday I slept less than normal (later nights and erratic kid wake up times) but I functioned. It got me thinking about how easy it would be to fall into a trap of less sleep. I surfed the web for articles on less sleep - whether you can do it and where the science lies. This first blog I came across was 11 hacks to perform with less sleep. Although her recommendations are sound for a healthy lifestyle it screams of all things I hate in the rat race economy. Making excuses for less sleep and finding hacks to avoid the symptoms seems like a poor plan. We won’t always get it right and everyone has unique needs (medical conditions, taking care of kids) but trying to hide the fact we need more sleep will only hurt us in the long run. Perhaps you are someone who needs less sleep but if you only ever wake up to the sound of an alarm clock - reconsider your short sleeps. Finding the time for more sleep might appear impossible but your health and your brain will thank you if you reconsider.

As always thanks for reading. I hope the start to your summer has been a good one!
Dave Carter

Books I am reading
1. We just finished:
This is how it always is on audio book. Really enjoyed this. Now we are on to: Eleanor Oliphant - just a few chapters in but loving it (the english narrator helps!)
The privileged life and radical presidency of FDR. Just coming to the end of this monster but it has given me a new appreciation for history. Lots of parallels in today’s world - increasing wealth of a few, global problems (perhaps more climate change than wars), and a fight for democracy.
3. Just started Todd Hargrove's new book -
Playing with Movement

Recent Blog Posts
Summary from the Nutrition Challenge
My thoughts on improving flexibility for your sport
Do you need core training for squash
Acupuncture in physiotherapy

Join me for a four month journey of physical activity, health literacy, and better health. Face to face consultations and exercise plus weekly online coaching. Technology allows us to engage and help clients maintain new behaviours. Reach out and lets start working together.

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Why I need an early wake up